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President Barack Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden in an operation in Pakistan. 

WASHINGTON (AFP) - U.S. President Barack Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden in an operation in Pakistan.
In a speech broadcast live on television, Obama said the operation was aided also by Pakistan. With the death of Osama, Obama said, "Justice has been done," he said on Sunday night local time, or Monday (2 / 5) morning western Indonesian time.
The announcement by Obama was greeted by a crowd of people celebrating outside the White House, at midnight. They sang the chorus "USA, USA" while waiting for President Obama appears with a confirmation killing Osama, the U.S. enemy number one. Readmore

Bin Laden Dead
Watch Obama Live In Attack Osama
WASHINGTON - Army Special Operations United States (U.S.) who killed Osama bin Laden, viewed directly by U.S. President Barack Obama. Obama watched the operation that took place as far 11265.4 kilometers via a video.Readmore