The Legend Of Classical Music
1. Johann Pachelbel Johann Pachelbel (Nürnberg, 1 September 1653 - March 9, 1706) was a German Baroque composer. He is behind many religious and secular music, and his contribution to the development of classical music put him as one of the most important composers of the middle Baroque era. His most famous is the Canon in D, the only canon he composed. In addition, Chaconne in F minor, Toccata in E minor for organ, and Hexachordum Apollinis, a group of keyboard variations.
2. George Friedrich Handel
George Friedrich Handel, (Halle, February 23, 1685 - London, 14 April 1759) is an a German Baroque music composer who spends much of his life in the United Kingdom. He is regarded as a leading creator of music concerti Grossi, opera and Oratorio. Examples of his work is the famous Water Music, Fireworks Music and the Oratorio Messiah. He is considered highly influential for many composers who lived after that, including Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.
1. Johann Pachelbel Johann Pachelbel (Nürnberg, 1 September 1653 - March 9, 1706) was a German Baroque composer. He is behind many religious and secular music, and his contribution to the development of classical music put him as one of the most important composers of the middle Baroque era. His most famous is the Canon in D, the only canon he composed. In addition, Chaconne in F minor, Toccata in E minor for organ, and Hexachordum Apollinis, a group of keyboard variations.
2. George Friedrich Handel

3. Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach (Eisenach, Germany, March 21, 1685 - July 28, 1750) was a German composer. He composed music for musical instrument organ, harpsichord, and also for the orchestra. But, other than tu, Bach also master the trumpet and violin. His most famous is the Brandenburg concertos. Most songs are made by Bach devoted to God, this creates its own uniqueness to the works of Bach. The names of several children Bach the composer is as follows:
* Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (Bach's first child).
Johann Sebastian Bach (Eisenach, Germany, March 21, 1685 - July 28, 1750) was a German composer. He composed music for musical instrument organ, harpsichord, and also for the orchestra. But, other than tu, Bach also master the trumpet and violin. His most famous is the Brandenburg concertos. Most songs are made by Bach devoted to God, this creates its own uniqueness to the works of Bach. The names of several children Bach the composer is as follows:
* Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (Bach's first child).
* Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Bach's second son).
* Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (Bach's second youngest child
* Johann Christian Bach (Bach's youngest son). At the end of his life Bach suffered from blindness, at this time also he composed Die Kunst der Fugue 13 (BWV 1080). Bach wrote this composition by lying in bed and spelling notes in his head to his wife. Bach died in July 28, 1750 and this work could not be resolved.
4. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Salzburg, January 27, 1756 - Vienna, Austria, December 5, 1791) was a composer. He is regarded as one of the composers of European classical music's most important and most famous in history. His works (about 700 songs) including the spin-spin-widely recognized as the pinnacle work of symphonic music, piano music, music opera, and choral music. Examples of his work is the opera Don Giovanni and Die Zauberflöte. Many of the works of Mozart regarded as the standard repertoire of classical and concert music recognized as masterpieces of classical antiquity. His works are sorted in the catalog Köchel-Verzeichnis. Mozart, known to have an absolute tuning capabilities (to know exactly the tone without the aid of equipment), know the music from birth. During a four-year-old, Mozart was able to play the harpsichord and improvise on musical works of his predecessors. He even wrote the first compositions at the age of five years. His works include the Violin Sonata, and a few minuet.
5. Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven (baptized December 17, 1770 in Bonn, died March 26, 1827 in Vienna) was a German composer of classical music. His work is the famous fifth and ninth symphonies, as well as piano song Für Elise. He is regarded as one of the greatest composers and is a key figure in the transitional period between the Classical Period and Romantic Period. During his youth, he is a talented pianist, popular among the important people and rich in Vienna, Austria, where he lived. In mid-1801, Beethoven realized that his hearing power began to decrease. A letter found in a house near Vienna Beethoven in Heiligenstadt, known as 'Heritage Heiligenstadt' contains how sad Beethoven because of illness they experienced. Sadness is reasonable because at that Beethoven was in the height of his career. Ketuliannya getting worse and in 1817 he became completely deaf. Although he no longer could play in concert, he continued to compose the music, and at this time to create some of the greatest masterpieces. eberapa Beethoven composed by him when he was deaf, among others: • Piano Concerto in Eb Major, Op. 37 • Violin Sonata Op. 47 • Symphony No. 3 in Eb 'Eroica' • Piano Sonata in C Major 'Waldstein', Op. 53 • Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 • Piano Sonata in Bb 'Hammerklavier', Op. 106 In 1826, Beethoven suffered from high fever which was caused by kidney disease. The disease can not be saved and she died on March 26, 1827. 6. Niccolò Paganini Niccolò (or Nicolò) Paganini, (Genoa, October 27, 1782 - Nice, May 27, 1840) is an author of music and violinist, viola, and guitar from Italy. He was one of the most famous violin virtuoso, and was mentioned as one of the greatest violinist who ever lived, with perfect intonation and technique of music that is second to none. Used Paganini violin known as the Cannone Guarnerius, the name given to represent the voices Paganini 'cannon' that is issued. Strings almost be on a flat surface, the reverse of all others in which violin strings to form an arch to avoid another swipe strings. Thus Paganini to play three and even four strings are easy on the violin. Paganini capable of playing three octaves across four strings violin in one hand range, an ability that seems absurd by today's standards. Penjariannya techniques, such as playing harmony with two strings, playing octave (and intervals of ten) parallel, and the passage with his left hand, is considered nearly impossible anymore in this age but just as an exercise routine to mengaspirasi violinist. Technical ability to play the violin as high as it can only be done by a handful of players such as Joseph Joachim of Austria and Eugene Ysaye from Belgium. Paganini was also a skilled guitarist, he has authored more than 200 music for guitar. His health began to decline after she was diagnosed with throat cancer. The disease made him lose the ability to speak, but he still played the violin until his death. The last night before his death said that he was still trying to play the violin is not conscious. He died in Nice on May 27, 1840. Classical Music Function 1. Entertainment 2. Means of supporting learning In the latest educational developments at this time, classical music (with certain beats in tune with the human heartbeat, so not all types of classical music) become important tools in studying in the classrooms. Education books with sales of international best sellers, such as Quantum Learning, Quantum Teaching and The Learning Revolution, all promoting classical music to be used as a course of study. As the impact of the idea of a compact and simultaneously, some educational institutions are currently vying to ring the classical music as the accompaniment of teaching and learning in the classroom. Then why classical music? Or even why the music used in the course of study? The reason is because music is one of the "food" is important from the right brain. During this course of study only enables only the purely left brain is linear, logical and mathematical. The use of an unbalanced brain is then rapidly lead to fatigue and burnout for those who learn. In addition, research has shown that classical music provides many benefits to humans or the student as stimulate the mind, improve concentration and memory, enhance cognitive, emotional intelligence help, etc.. A child who is accustomed to listening to music since childhood will be more developed emotional intelligence than children who rarely listen to classical music. Classical music influence the development of reading skills of children, because if children learn to read without the accompaniment of classical music, they will quickly get bored and tired. So the need for classical music in the process of learning to read, so that in the learning process the child will feel comfortable and your mind will not tense.